Monday, February 19, 2007


As of February 17th about 3:30 am...we have expanded our family!!! No, no baby yet- however we do now have three adorable puppies!!! That's right Bella is the proud Mommy of three!!! She began having her babies around 3:30 am. saturday morning...and although it created a very sleepless night for me- it was very interesting to watch and help her through it. She is doing wonderful, and so are the puppies!!! All three pups are female and are looking like they are going to look like there Daddy, Baxter. And although Bella won't let Baxter near her babies, Baxter does like to look at them!!! So yeh, if anyone is interested, these pups will be ready to go around the second week of April- If you are interested, please let us know!!!

Other than Paul and I are doing wonderful...getting very anxious for this baby to arrive!!! Only 4 weeks now, and I cannot wait!!! Any day now I would be happy to go to the hospital and have this kid :) I just want to meet it so bad!!! However, I cannot complain yet- I am still feeling great, and getting around just fine. Actually this past weekend I spent most of Saturday serving beer at Bock Fest, so yeh it really hasn't slowed me down yet!! I am just hoping Paul does a little better with me giving birth than he did Bella...Cross your fingers for me!!! Otherwise I think my husband will be in the bed next to me!!! Haha...

Anyways, we will keep you posted with pictures of the puppies and of our baby when it arrives!!! Hope everyone is doing well...Take Care~!

Monday, February 05, 2007 it is...I am not a big fan of this picture at all...but there it is!! Baby Holm!!! Growing by the day :)

Pregnant Bella

Ooops!!! Here is the picture of Bella I was talking about before!!!

It's been a while...

So it's been a REALLY long time since I have gotten around to updating our profile...Sorry!!! I guess with the holidays and everything I got distracted doing other things!!! Well first of all I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday season!!! I was actually able to make it home one last time for Christmas...In year's to come Paul and I will be too busy playing Santa to make it home :) It was SO nice being home...I had a wonderful Baby shower while I was home, thrown by my Aunts, and it was SO nice to see everyone. I actually was home for over a it was a very nice break from the real world!!! Paul was able to fly in Christmas Eve as well and spend Christmas with my family...we then drove back to Minnesota together (and Baxter and Bella) the day after Christmas.
I am now 34 weeks pregnant and still feeling pretty good. Last week I went through a period where my back and hips were just killing me, however that has seemed to go away!!! Thank goodness!!! This is one active baby though...I love being able to feel it's movements all the I am just getting VERY anxious to meet this little being inside of me. Only 6 more weeks (or less!!- at least I am hoping!!) I will post a picture of my pregnant self sometime this week. Paul swears I am growing by the day- the good thing is the only part of me that seems to be growing is my stomach!!! As of two weeks ago at my last appointment I had still only gained 9 lbs. total, so here is hoping this week when I go in they still tell me a nice and low number!! But other than that we are all set for the baby to arrive. Dad came out two weeks ago with the rest of the baby's stuff...Baxter and Bella are pretty unsure of what all this stuff is for, however I think they will be just fine once the baby arrives. Baxter did discover the other day that the baby's swing has toys attached to it~ Haha! That took a little convincing to get him to realize those toys were not for him!!!
For those of you who don't know this already, my little girl pup, Bella is also expecting. She went into her first heat cycle right before it was time to go home to Michigan for Christmas, and although we didn't want her to get pregnant this time around, Baxter and nature got there way and well yeh, puppies are due somewhere around February 20th. So not only will I have a baby to care for in 6 weeks or so, but I will still have puppies running around as well...(Things like this only happen to me...I swear!!!) Poor Bella is getting huge though, I have posted a picture of her taken last night...But hey the good thing is I am going to be pretty occupied taking care of puppies until the baby arrives- here's hoping Bella is a good Mom though!! Otherwise I will be doing alot more caring for these puppies that I want!! But hey if you know anyone that would be interested in a Doxie pup, please let me know :)
Well, as with most of you that read this, we are getting hit with this nice COLD streak that I am getting REALLY sick of. -8 degrees for the high just sucks...not to mention the wind chill today is -25. UGH! That is just way too cold...
Well hopefully you will be hearing from me sooner than it's been. Annette I promise to get a pregnant profile picture up here this week sometime :) Otherwise, everyone take care, stay warm and God Bless!~